Discover the benefits of homework


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[best essay writing service]Although they are a great contribution to the intellectual development of children, it is important that they do not occupy all their free time. For this, it is necessary to establish schedules that are planned according to the needs of each child, so the tasks they take home must be in relation to the age and course of the children and also in relation to the amount of time they are at school.

As parents, we must always be concerned about how our children are doing in school. Trying to be aware of which subjects are their favorites or in which of them they present more difficulties, is something basic to take into account when monitoring our little ones at school. [professional essay writing] Generally, a large part of school education is carried out in schools, however, there are activities that must be carried out at home and that are of great importance in the educational formation of each child.

We mainly refer to tasks, hated by many and loved by others. Generally, we are the parents who complain and think that they should not send homework, since in the case of our country the school day was extended in order not to have to develop these activities at home and likewise, leave children to enjoy their free time.

For Valentina Alvear, Editor of Editorial Caligrafix, homework brings multiple benefits. “In the school environment, they serve to practice, review and integrate more the contents seen and learned at school; learn and take advantage of the materials and resources available to them, such as dictionaries, the library, the internet, etc. They also allow them to develop skills to investigate on their own and study the topics covered in the classroom more thoroughly, and prepare for the next day's class and not arrive blank,” she says.

On the other hand, homework allows children to generate habits and a positive attitude towards studying. “They serve to develop abilities and skills, imagination and creativity, and also promote the development of study habits, time organization and attitudes such as discipline and commitment. [best Assignment writing service] The more consistent and focused children's dedication to their homework, the higher their performance in school, and the more academic benefits they will gain as they advance to higher grades. Finally, homework also serves to inform parents about the education their children are receiving, as well as to improve communication and relationships between them. It enables parents to participate and have moments to collaborate with the education of their children,

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It must be borne in mind that although homework makes a great contribution to children's intellectual development, it is important that they do not occupy all their free time. For this, it is necessary to establish schedules that are planned according to the needs of each child, so the tasks they take home must be in relation to the age and course of the children and also in relation to the amount of time they are at school.[professional homework writers UK]

“An excessive load on schoolwork can frustrate children and cause child stress, complicating their health, with symptoms such as anxiety, headaches, sleep disturbances, stomach aches and general fatigue. In addition, this problem can spread to parents, since in the face of the child's refusal to carry out schoolwork, they feel obliged to threaten and punish their children so that they finish their tasks, which in the long run makes the relationship difficult. Faced with this problem, parents feel that instead of enjoying time with their children, they spend much of the day doing and discussing academic issues with them, especially on weekends. For this reason, it is essential to form study habits from when the child is small,

In the case of preschool courses, it is necessary that they be playful and that each teaching go hand in hand through play. “At these levels, it is advisable to send home simple and short tasks with clear instructions to work with their parents, allowing the necessary time for them to do them calmly and be an enriching experience for the child. Ideally, they should be experiences that they can share with their parents and thus become more interested in what they have seen in school or garden, for example, you can send recipes to practice math and healthy eating, or read a story. to develop reading comprehension and interest in reading”, he recommends.

According to the specialist in Kindergarten and 2nd grade, most children should not dedicate more than 20 minutes a day to homework during the week. For the majority of students who study between 3rd grade and 6th grade, 20 to 40 minutes per day is recommended.[homework service online] And for students from 7th grade to 4th grade, in general, a maximum of two hours a day, five days a week is considered convenient, thus preventing children from being demotivated and stressed by the pressure they have to perform. to the expectations imposed.

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It should be borne in mind that not only academic activities have positive aspects for the child, they can also learn during periods of leisure and even leisure. [write my homework online]Recreational activities help children to socialize, strengthen ties with their peers and family, develop their creativity and enjoy the joy of play.


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