Write the perfect essay in just a few steps

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1. The preparation

[essay writing service UK]Preparation is the alpha and omega of a good essay. Before you start writing, think about what exactly you want to write in the essay and say with it. Since the topic is specified in an exam, you will familiarize yourself with the topic and the task at the beginning. When doing homework, it can also be the case that you can think of a topic yourself. Then choose a topic that you are already familiar with and that really interests you. It's always easier to work on something that you're also interested in.

Then you think about the specific content and write down your thoughts on the topic in note form. [best Assignment writing service] If your essay deals with a given text, it is essential that you read it through several times before you start with the correct processing. Then you examine it for linguistic abnormalities and filter out all rhetorical means. In bullet points, you write down the meaning of the stylistic devices and other thoughts on the topic.

A mind map can help structure the key points. It doesn't matter if you can't come up with an exact meaning for some linguistic means. Concentrate on the things that strike you immediately and that you can interpretIt is better to carefully analyze a few stylistic devices and explain the meaning for the text than to name as many abnormalities as possible, but not to interpret them. When you are familiar with the topic and have roughly sorted your bullet points

2. The outline

  • Introduction: In the introduction, you introduce the reader to the topic of the essay and provide him with the most important information. This includes the type of article (interpretation, discussion, or similar) and, if you are referring to another text, also the author, the year of publication, and a brief summary. Analyzes and your own opinion have no place in the introduction. Important: [Homework writing service] keep it as short as possible! The introduction should never take up more than five to ten percent of the entire essay.
  • Main part: The main part is the heart of the essay. The most important actions, all interpretations, and explanations belong in this part. Make sure not only to name language abnormalities, but also to analyze them. Your own opinion must not be expressed yet.
  • Conclusion: Like the introduction, the end must not make up more than five to ten percent of the entire essay. You summarize your results in a nutshell and give your own opinion. Important: No new knowledge may be produced. A crisp final sentence with the most important findings from the main part rounds off your essay. 

3. The interpretation

An interpretation is always based on a given text. This can be, for example, a poem, a short story or an excerpt from a book. Rhetorical means play a particularly large role in an interpretation. You also have to put the place to be interpreted into the overall context. Especially with poems, the time aspect should not be disregarded: When was the poem written? What political events were taking place at the time? Where did the author live?

 You build up your interpretation either chronologically or thematically. With a chronological order, you work through all linguistic means and other anomalies in the order in which they appear in the present text. In the thematic order, you create thematic blocks from your key points and work them off one after the other. It is important that you not only name the individual points but also always analyze them.[write my homework online]

4. The discussion

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In a discussion, you present your point of view on a particular topic. The discussion is either free or text-based. With both forms, you formulate the main question in the introduction to your essay (for example, "Does the Turbo Abi make sense?") And discuss the pros and cons in the main part. Each argument is introduced with a thesis ("The Turbo Abi enables an early career entry"), reinforced by further arguments and clarified with the help of examples. In the final part, you take up the specific question from the introduction and give your own opinion in a critical statement. In a text-based discussion, you have a text that deals with a specific question and already has various arguments. As with an interpretation, you have to filter out the rhetorical means from the text and interpret them. You should also explain the author's argumentation in the text-based discussion. Are the theses conclusive and are the arguments listed with suitable examples? Furthermore, you add your own arguments and give a personal opinion.

5. The characterization

In a characterization, you represent a person from a school reading. Pay attention to the external appearance, the social situation, certain characteristics of the person, the way of thinking, feelings, and dealing with other people. All of the characteristics that the person exhibits should appear in the characteristic. You can prove your characterization with quotations. At the end of the essay, you can give your own assessment of the person and work out, for example, what influence the character has on the entire plot.


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